Can I use any other currency for the platform? Will change in currency also reflect in the seller and buyer wallet?


For Yo!Kart Marketplace Solution

Yes, you can use the system in multiple currencies. Change in currency will reflect in the front end as well as the seller and buyer wallet.

The admin can add multiple currencies from the back end and can set one of them as the default currency for the system. However both admin and the front end users have the provision to change the currency from the available options.

For Admin:

  1. Log in to Admin Area
  2. Click on Settings in left menu
  3. Select General Settings
  4. Open Local Tab
  5. Choose Site Currency from drop down list

Currency Change- Admin

Front End Users and Sellers can change currency from the currency icon present in the top right corner above the top navigation bar.

Currency Change- Buyer

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Default Asked on February 27, 2017 in Settings.
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