Which all type of discounts are available in Yo!Kart?


Yo!Kart allows following discounts:

Admin Discount
– Website admin can apply this discount and manage the users, products, categories for which the discount should be valid and its related settings from Discount Coupon option under CMS from admin area.
– Discount value is borne by website admin.

Screenshot (15)

Click here for full image:- https://faq.yo-kart.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Screenshot-15.png

Special Price Discount
– Special Price Discount is used to offer a specific product at a special price (discounted price) for certain duration.
– This discount can be managed by both seller and admin.
– The discount value is borne by seller.

Screenshot (16)

Click here for full image:- https://faq.yo-kart.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Screenshot-16.png

Volume discount

– Volume discount is the discount offered for buying a product in large quantity.
– This discount can be managed by both seller and admin.
– The discount value is borne by seller.

Screenshot (17)

Click here for full image:- https://faq.yo-kart.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Screenshot-17.png

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1 Answer(s)

Yes this is exactly same.

Answered on October 5, 2018.
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