Installation Services and Process – Cloud Hosting Account Users


To host your system at your preferred cloud hosting server, Yo!Kart needs following info:

  1. Hosting must be cloud instance with SSD
  2.  Apache web server running.
  3.  FTP account to upload the scripts where system needs to be installed. We must be able to browse the uploaded files where you want to run the  system. Uploaded PHP scripts should be executed.
  4.  Ioncube loader must be enabled. (version 5 onwards is highly recommended)
  5.  URL rewriting must be working through htaccess file.
  6.  A GUI to create database or if the database is already created, provide us with database server, username and password to access it from script uploaded at provided FTP  account.
  7.  MySQL should not be in strict mode i.e. STRICT_TRANS_TABLES should be turned off.
  8.  PHPMyAdmin access is preferred.
  9.  Other apache modules and PHP extensions will be required as per project. Some common of those (but not limited to) are:

               –  PHP version 5.5 onwards
               –  Mysql version 5.6 onwards
               –  Apache mod_rewrite
               –  PHP mysqli extension
               –  Gd library
               –  Curl enabled

Can Yo!Kart deal with my hosting company and domain booking company to ensure that the above listed requirements are met?

YoKart can deal with your Domain Booking and Hosting Company to take care of the server configuration and website/portal setup/installation for:

  • USD 150: If you are using Shared/Dedicated/VPS hosting with cPanel.
  • USD 300: If you are using cloud hosting.

Please Note: If you are using AWS then it absolutely FREE.

But we recommend you to use hosting services from only professional hosting companies having 24×7 Technical Support. If you hand over the server requirements to them – they should take care of these requirements for you without any additional charge.

Important: You need to provide us with the required credentials and contact information of the concerned Support Team Members to deal with.

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