What are the hosting server requirements to setup Yo!Kart system?


You will require the following server specifications for setting up the Yokart scripts:

Environment: LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP)


Supported Operating Systems:
– Linux x86, x86-64 (Ubuntu preferred)


Supported Web Servers:
– Apache 2.4.x
– Nginx


PHP Compatibility:
– 8.1


Server Hosting :
– Ability to run scheduled jobs.
– Ability to override options in .htaccess files


Required Extensions:
– GD with Free Font support
– Zlib with zip support
– cURL function should be enabled
– Mbstring should be enabled
– Iconv function should be enabled
– Fileinfo function should be enabled
– Calendar function should be enabled
– Ioncube Loader
– PHP Composer should be installed
ii. Memory_limit 32M or more (Some pages with the advanced feature may need up to 128M)


– 8.0 or greater
– sql_mode – strict_trans_tables should be disabled.


Preferred/Minimum RAM:

– Preferred RAM is 4GB
– In case of AWS  (t2.small+ RDS) or (t2.medium) plan is preferred.
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