What issues does Yo!Kart cover under 12-months Free Technical Support?


Yo!Kart provides 1-year free technical support for following kind of issues:

  1. Server-side scripting/programming errors/bugs
  2. Logical Bugs/Calculation related errors/bugs
  3. Connection errors/API Integration Errors

The above support isn’t available if the errors/bugs arise due to any external entity. 

For example:

  • Server or software/application or extension downgrades/upgrades
  • Edits done in the code/scripts delivered by any external entity/person/professional
  • Operating System or Browser Version Downgrades/Upgrades
  • Any other factor which is not directly related to any deficiency at the end of Yo!Kart

Yo!Kart provides multi-channel support in the form of online chat, social media, email, text messaging, and phone. Apart from these channels, YoKart has its own project management system that allows it to address client requirements and issues.

Note: For V9.3 GoQuick package 6 months support would be provided


Git Process:

In case your team installing the application then it is recommended that please go with the git process. It will help us deliver you the latest updates (if no changes have been done to our delivered scripts at your end). In case there will be any updates, we will push those updates in a separate branch (For example: fatbit_master)  and you/your team can take a pull or merge in your active branch(s) (as per your internal requirements).

– In such cases where installation has been done through git and we are providing updates to you then your team has to take care of conflicts at your end.
– Where installation through git is not possible, we will provide patches to you and your dev team has to take care of adding these patches in the script manually.

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